
Once your child has experienced the life-changing acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and has committed to following Him, what is next? We encourage Water Baptism. Not all children will immediately want to be Baptized so we advise parents to wait until their child asks about it and fully understands its purpose in the Christian life journey.

If your child is ready for Baptism, contact the Children’s Pastor below to answer any question or sign up for the next Baptism Event.

Children’s Pastor, Sonya Eash –

Child Dedication

Baptism is a public profession of faith and an expression of love for those who have chosen to follow Jesus. In Luke 2:22-40, Jesus’s parents dedicated Him to the Lord, and later in life, he chose to be baptized as an adult.

Child Dedication is a personal commitment and promise by parents to raise their child in the faith until a child is old enough to make their own personal commitment to Christ. We provide Baby and Child Dedication for children from birth to the age of seven.

To schedule a child dedication, contact Preschool Pastor, Holli Peek at